Same Day Flower Delivery

Same Day Flower Delivery

When orderedbefore 2pm

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Butterflies & Roses

Product Description

Gorgeous red and pink roses, with soft baby's breath or similar, and fresh, lush foliage make this hand tied bouquet, presented in an eco friendly vox, a special gift for any romantic occasion. Especially popular for Valentine's day and anniversaries, it is a lovely way to let someone know you love them. Topped with some pretty butterfly picks, this is a simply lovely arrangement. 

Exact shades/colours and types of roses may vary due to market availabiilty. Please ask if you want a specific colour of rose (white, yellow, mauve, orange etc). Vox colour will vary as well, depending on stock available and size of bouquet.

Prices include delivery fee.

If you have a preference for AM or PM delivery, please leave your preference in the special requests.

Butterflies & Roses

1. Choose price and size
2. What is the occasion?
3. What message would you like in the card?
Cards Accepted