Same Day Flower Delivery

Same Day Flower Delivery

When orderedbefore 2pm

Customer Review Rating

Customer Review Rating


Luxurious Basket

Product Description

A beautiful variety of flowers in pretty pastel shades, including pinks, lilacs, cream, soft yellows, apricots and even soft blues when in season, delightfully arranged in a lovely basket make this the perfect complete gift. Wonderful for a new baby, anniversary, birthday, sympathy or any special occasion. Flowers vary seasonally but are always beautiful and fresh. If you want specific colours, please leave us a note in the special requests

Basket designs may vary with availability and size of order, some will have a handle, some not, it is dependant on the supply available. 

Prices include delivery fee.

If you have a preference for AM or PM delivery, please leave your preference in the special requests.

Luxurious Basket

1. Choose price and size
2. What is the occasion?
3. What message would you like in the card?
Cards Accepted